Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Koi Pond

There is something magical about a Koi pond. Maybe it’s the bright colors of the Koi, the rhythmic swaying of the water plants beneath the surface, or the gentle sound of a running waterfall on a warm summer afternoon. Chances are, you too were swept up in the magical beauty of the Koi pond. Unfortunately, the upkeep of the pond isn’t usually such a magical experience, unless you know the tips to a healthy Koi pond. Keep reading to find out some quick and easy things that you do to keep your Koi pond in top form.

1. Plan ahead. There is something to be said for a good design plan, so don’t skimp when it comes to planning. Think about your own living space, and what you want to see out of your pond. Researching the do’s and don’ts of Koi pond building is essential, and you will want to pay special attention to drainage and filter issues. If you set the pond up correctly, you will save a ton of time and heartache down the road in terms of upkeep. Make sure to include multiple drainage sites and a waterfall feature to keep your fish healthy and happy.

2. Add your fish slowly. Once you get your pond built, many owners are quick to fill it to the brim with fish. Don’t do this! Start off with a few fish and allow them to acclimate themselves to the pond. Once they have been there for a few weeks, you can then proceed with adding a few more. Don’t forget to factor in the fact that your fish will get bigger over time, so don’t overcrowd your pond with small Koi.

3. Don’t overfeed. This is another common mistake of Koi pond owners. Only feed your fish what they can eat in a ten minute span. When the weather cools off, your fish will need little or no food, so refrain from overfeeding during the fall and winter months. Anything excessive will lead to a filthy pond- and quickly!

4. Schedule major cleanings at least twice a year. You should expect to do a partial drain and vacuuming at least twice a year to keep your pond in pristine condition. Many owners choose to do their cleaning in the fall and spring months right before the weather changes. The important thing is to be consistent with it.

5. Allow yourself room for mistakes. Being a Koi pond owner is a learning experience, so always be on the lookout for tips and tricks to keeping your Koi as healthy and happy as possible.

Michele Miller is the author and publisher of two Ebook Guides about Pond Building And Caring For Fish, available at You can sign up for her free course by email and receive lots of tips and advice about building your backyard koi fish pond.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As tough as Koi can be on plants, I recommend you include an area or two for plants.

Combined with a good filtering system with natural bacteria, plants will help to process the fish wastes and keep algae down.

Be creative in your pond design, and you can have healthy plants AND Koi at the same time...Just design your pond in a way that water passes through the plant zones, but the Koi cannot access the plants and eat them.