Friday 10 August 2007

3 Tips for Setting up an Outside Pond

So you’ve enjoyed your indoor aquarium for years and want to expand. Or maybe you have decided the perfect way to landscape that backyard area is to add a pond for freshwater fish. Outdoor ponds are a great way to take your hobby and expand it to the great outdoors and add a beautiful area to your existing landscape. However, maintaining and setting up an outdoor pond for your tropical fish takes a lot more planning and work than setting up an indoor aquarium.

* The first thing necessary when installing an outdoor pond is to pick an area that is appropriately sized and environmentally correct for your pond. Remember, freshwater tropical fish have different requirements – so you need to make sure you choose an area that is sized appropriately for the species of fish you will be placing into the pond. You also need to make sure the environment where you place the pond will support it. If the species of tropical fish you select doesn’t like particularly bright light, then placing a pond in direct sunlight may not be the best idea.

* Next, you’ll want to design the pond to hold the appropriate amount of water and provide for the necessary filtration and, if necessary, heating apparatus. You will need to make sure that wherever you decide to place the pond you have access to electrical current. This usually means you may need to run wiring out to the pond and make sure that it is rated for outdoor applications. If possible, you may want to place your pond on a separate circuit to isolate it from potential breaker trips and overloading.

* When building the pond you will want to make sure the materials you use are friendly to the fish you are going to have in the pond. Many ponds are constructed out of plastics and other materials. Some of these materials may let chemicals into the water than can be harmful to your tropical fish. Make sure you inquire where you purchase your fish and the building material about the materials you are using – especially the liner. They should be able to steer you towards material more suited for fish habitats.

Keep in mind that you will probably want more than just a hole in the ground. When designing the pond be sure to add aquatic plants, rocks and other items that will turn the pond into a landscape masterpiece. Small waterfalls can be nice to look and listen to, but check to make sure that the fish you are thinking of putting in the pond can withstand the impact of the falling water. Some fish prefer a quiet environment without much disturbance in the water.

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